Cookie Policy

This website Smoozliving Handelsbolag (“Smooz Living”) uses cookies to facilitate your visit and make the experience as fast and smooth as possible.

1.1 Why do we use cookies?

We use the information we receive about you via cookies to:

  1. Perform web analytics (eg number of visitors).
  2. To make our website more user-friendly.
  3. To enable us to provide customized content to website visitors.

1.2 What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and save information about various choices you have made on a web page so that you do not have to make these choices again. Smooz Living wants to protect your private information when you visit our website. Below follows a description of how we work with cookies and which cookies we use.

1.3 Consent to Cookies

It is you who decides whether you want to give your consent to us storing information via cookies. However, there are certain cookies (so-called strictly necessary cookies) that are necessary for us to be able to provide our service. As a rule, we may use these cookies, even if you have not given your consent.

You can withdraw your consent to non-necessary cookies at any time. You manage your cookie consents in the settings at the bottom right of the website. Note that it may happen that the functions are limited or that your user experience deteriorates if you turn off cookies.

1.4 Which Cookies do we use?


1.4.1 Strictly necessary cookies

Some cookies are necessary for our services to function at all and these cookies cannot be turned off. No personal information about you is stored in these cookies.

1.4.2 Functional cookies

These cookies enable us to offer extended functions and personalization on our website.

1.4.3 Marketing Cookies

Consenting to marketing cookies means that we are allowed to place cookies on your device and display relevant content that is specifically tailored to your interests.

1.4.4 We use these types of cookies:

  • Session cookies that are stored locally on your computer but are not saved when you close your browser. We use this type of cookie to, among other things, facilitate navigation on the website. Some of these cookies are essential for the functions on the website to work. This means that if you block the use of cookies completely, you will not be able to use all functions on the website.
  • Permanent cookies that are saved on your computer or mobile phone. This type of cookie is used in order to improve the experience for you as a visitor, so that you, for example, do not have to log in every time you visit the page, show which pages you have visited, and to reduce the loading time. We also use the information from permanent cookies to keep statistics on the website so we can improve our service based on what you as a visitor want.

More specific cookies used on

  • In order for you as a visitor to be able to share news on social media such as Facebook or Instagram, we use cookies. The cookies that are saved are also used to be able to offer targeted marketing via retargeting through the Facebook Pixel. These pages may use cookies when you log in to use their services. As these cookies come from a third-party provider, Smooz Living has no responsibility or control over their cookies. To get more information, we recommend that you read theirs
  • As we mentioned earlier, we use cookies to keep statistics on the website, which in turn allows us to improve the information on the page. We do this with the help of cookies from Google Analytics and Adwords. We use Google Analytics to get a good picture of how the website works and the number of visits we receive, as well as to be able to offer targeted marketing via retargeting. Google Adwords cookies are saved so that we can measure the conversion rate of our Google ads. You can find more information about how Google uses cookies here.
  • Because we sometimes use embedded videos from Youtube and we want the website to remember your settings such as volume, we have cookies that handle this. As explained earlier, this is a third party cookie so Smooz Living has no responsibility or control over their cookies. To get more information, we recommend that you read theirs

How do I see which cookies are stored?

Web browsers usually save all cookies in a certain directory on the computer's hard drive, so you can see which cookies have been stored by going through that directory. However, this is controlled by which browser you use, so please contact the browser manufacturer for more information about where cookies are stored.

List of cookies used on

  • _ga = Google Analytics, used to distinguish different users who visit the page and where they come from. (Saved 2 years)
  • _gat = Google Analytics, a cookie that helps Google Analytics reduce response time. (Session Cookie)
  • _gid = Google Analytics, reads how the visitor uses the page. (Session Cookie)
  • _uetsid = Bing, used for retargeting marketing based on the pages you visited. (Session Cookie)
  • intercom-id = Intercom, used to distinguish different users so the chat works as it should. (Saved 20 years)
  • _mkra_ctxt = Intercom, allows Intercom to see what their users are doing on the page and if they are in a chat conversation. (Session Cookie)
  • _hjIncludedInSample = Hotjar, reads how visitors move on the website. (Session Cookie)
  • fr = Facebook, used so facebook can target its marketing based on the pages you visited. (Saved 3 months)
  • AWSALB (Amazon web services application load balancer) is a cookie for session management between production servers. (Saved 6 days)
  • MUID, MUIDB = Bing, Microsoft uses these cookies to differentiate between different users so we can measure how well their campaigns work. (Saved 1 year)
  • ads/ga-audiences = Google Adwords, used to market our site to you later based on other pages you visited. (Session Cookie)
  • php/# ​​= Used by Facebook to measure "Impressions" on pages with their login button. (Session Cookie)
  • _drip_client_ = Drip, used to distinguish visitors for e-mail campaigns via Drip. (Saved 2 years)
  • tr = Facebook Pixel, helps us see how many people visit our page via Facebook ads.

These are the main cookies used on, however, it may be that the partners we cooperate with use other cookies than the ones we have written here.

How do I turn off cookies?

You can set yourself in your browser whether you want to receive cookies or not. By setting your browser to accept cookies, you agree to receive cookies from our website. If, however, you set your browser not to accept cookies, we will not save any cookies on your computer. Unfortunately, our website cannot function correctly without cookies, you will e.g. unable to fill out our form.

You can find further information about cookies on the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Authority's website

We reserve the right to change the content of this cookie policy and we therefore recommend that you review the policy regularly.